Aqua Team comply with GDPR Data regulations and we need to know your data in order to effectively operate our business and work with you or your company. We hold and process data in order to efficiently complete invoices, contracts and certifications, our Privacy Notice is available as below and will be supplied on request.
GDPR imposes strict new rules on controlling and processing people’s data and seeks to give individuals more control over how organizations use their data, please find our Privacy Notice herewith.
Why we need it?
We need to know your data in order to effectively operate our business and work with you or your company. We hold and process data in order to efficiently complete logistics, invoices, contracts and certifications and we are satisfied that there is no other reasonable way. To achieve that purpose. nothing within the contract relieves the processor of its own direct responsibilities and liabilities under the GDPR.
How we store it?
We may store your data in the following places: Our filing system / on paper files, In electronic documents, email systems, CRM Systems, third party systems such as email hosting, online banking etc.
Our IT systems
Our staff is trained on the GDPR regulations to ensure understanding and compliance. The Controller and Processor have a Data Protection regime in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of your personal data. We have liaised with our data hosting company with regards to their security. They have confirmed that the data they hold on their servers is held securely.
What we do with it?
All personal data is processed in Greece by us and our suppliers and only in connection with our ongoing business relationship. Third parties, suppliers and others involved in our normal business dealings have access to your personal data only to perform the role they fulfill in the overall process.
How long do we keep it?
We retain your personal data for as long until you delete them from our records.
Breach of Data
Should there be a breach of our data, we will investigate and assess if the breach is likely to result in a high risk of adversely affecting individuals’ rights and freedoms and if necessary we will inform those individuals without undue delay and the relevant supervisory authorities within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach. A record will be kept of any data breach reported, regardless of whether notification is required.
What are your rights? (Right to be forgotten)
If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect, you can request to see this information and have it corrected, deleted or withdraw consent for it to be used. If you wish to raise a complaint on how your personal data is handled, you can write to us at our address or email to investigate the matter, we will do this within 4 weeks of receipt in a clear and concise manner.
If you hold data for our company, we expect you to do this in compliance with the GDPR and Data Protection Act 1998.
Any queries or issues relating to data will be dealt with by contacting: